Friday 25 November 2016


Example of handwriting with gold pen
When was the last time you wrote a letter to a loved one or friend?
In the days of cell phones, email, and text messages, letter writing can seem hopelessly outdated. But it’s an art worth bringing back,
Image result for writing in inkWriting with ink on papers was started by the ancient Chinese and Egypt 4500 years ago.
For making ink they either mixed soot or used lampblack with gum to made a hard stick This stick of ink was first dipped
Image result for chinese in blocksin water to make Impressions. In order to obtain ink of various colors they used minerals ,berries and plant juices.The Chinese used brushes to write in ink , they were also first in using ink on wooden blocks for printing.

 The writing and reception of letters will always offer an experience that modern technology cannot touch. Technology MAY BE fantastic for quick exchanges on the most pertinent pieces of information. But when it comes toempathy , sharing one’s true thoughts, sincere sympathies, ardent love, and deepest gratitude, words traveling along an invisible superhighway will never suffice. Why?  Because sending a letter is the next best thing to showing up personally at someone’s door.

Related imageStart Writing…
Traditional letters tend to be more thoughtful and original than email correspondence and twitter updates. Email, Facebook, and Twitter and are great ways to send quick updates to people.But getting a letter in the mail is almost like having a good friend stop by AT YOUR  house for coffee.
All you need to get started is regular paper, a few envelopes, a pen, stamps, and you’ll be good to go.

Letter writing is a lost art and we should bring it back into style. It’s one way to show gratitude and love in a very busy world.

Tuesday 1 November 2016


Image result for football  in the rain clipart
Tup.... Tup..... Tup..... The raindrops fell from the sky as I am playing football. I run at full speed and suddenly slip and fall down. Splash! I'm all wet! Still I don't stop playing, and continue th match. It started raining really heavily then, and I was soon soaked with water. Still, I was having fun. This was one of my favourite things to do. The grass was so slippery that I was falling hundreds of times and was becoming dirty. But I didn't care, and was still playing. Soon everybody left. But I was not done playing in the rain. I didn't want to miss this rare oppurtunity as it doesn't rain too much in Hyderabad. I started to kick the ball into the goal from a distance. I missed but I didn't stop trying. I kicked again and again and was falling down in almost every shot. But in some time, I got the right aim. Just then it stopped raining. I was going home when my friends came back again. So, we continued our match.

Mukunth Maithreyan