Thursday 5 December 2019

my school

My First Day Of School

Image result for My First Day Of School"
I've got a brand-new lunchbox.

My shoes are shiny clean.

I've got a cool, new bookbag

And a pencil box that's green.

But I don't know my teacher,

Or where my desk will be.

I don't know if I'll like the kids.

Or if they'll play with me.

I peek inside my classroom.

I stand there for a while.

My teacher tall and kind of loud, 

But has a great big smile.

And, beast of all, she's got my

Favourite book upon the shelf!

I kiss my mother at the door 

And walk in by myself. 


Poetry is a great tool for everyone to express their feelings. , it is an amazing to read the poems by mcgns who tried  to express themselves poetically  and show their inner creativity.