Wednesday 23 August 2017

The Visit To DRDL

The Visit to D.R.D.L(Defence Research and Development Laboratory)

Recently, Classes 8th,9th and 10th visited DRDL, to study the advanced missiles and modern developments in the defence. Our Reporter of Class 8th Eshan Pareek. Has written an article describing the event.

Defence Research and Development Laboratory(DRDL)

Good Morning, we, the reporters of standard VIII, have prepared a report on our recent trip to DRDL -

   Students often think that continuously studying is boring. I totally agree with them. Sometimes a field trip may prove to be refreshing. 

So, on the 10th of July, classes 8th,9th, and 10th had gone on a trip to DRDL. It was informed to us on the 7th of July. We were anxiously waiting for 10th July.
   Finally, the big day was here. We all were all packed and ready to go. Finally at around half past ten, we hit the road. The trip was so much fun as we talked, enjoyed the beautiful ride,a bumpy one that too!

There was much less traffic which was great. after a while we shared our snacks, after half an hour we finally reached. The bus stopped. We looked up; we were at DRDL!

 We waited in the bus as we waited for getting our passes The Teachers seemed to discuss something with the Management and the staff. When the talking was done, we all rushed out of the bus and to the entrance. There we were given tokens, which had numbers on them.They really kept the place quite secure.

After getting the Token-like Passes we sat in the bus and then traveled inside DRDL towards our destination which was the missile complex, where there were models of different missiles (probably real ones,) showcased on stands.

We Were Given a thorough explanation about all the different developments we had reached. We also got to know the struggles of the early developing days of India. We were explained about automated and non-automated missiles.

There were various missiles such as the Naga Missile which was made to encounter Tanks. It had an automated route through which is made a snake line curve and hence was given the name the Naga Missile.

There were other famous missiles too such as the famous BRAHMOS, a missile which was made with the coalition of India and Russia.

  We were shown a presentation on the working of missiles. Sir ( who was a scientist at DRDL) was explaining us the properties of missiles and was clearing our doubts.The hall was breathtaking. But we had to leave.
   I was mesmerized by the beauty and greenery of DRDL. All in all, it was a great experience.

   --The New Reporters

     Class VIII

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