Tuesday 14 June 2016

The Mysterious Garden

Wow!!! I couldn’t stop myself from telling this whenever I went to my grandfather’s garden. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself I am Katherine, a student of a very boring school with a very boring life, doing the same things every day. Until my father received a transfer and now here we are in my grandfather’s house in Bangalore. We have just shifted here about two days ago. I am always wonderstruck looking at my grandfather’s garden, there are mango and apple trees surrounding it and many bushes scattered here and there. There is a flower bed at the entrance and ooh the most important thing there is an old banyan tree in the center of this garden. My father always tells me that this tree is very special, but I don’t know why, all I see are squirrels, rabbits scampering here and there, but I sort of feel magical around this tree. “Katherine”, my mother was calling me for dinner. After dinner I went straight to my bedroom. From my room I could see the garden, that night in full moon’s night I was not feeling sleepy. I was starring out of the window…….. Suddenly I saw some movement in the garden, I strained my neck to see what is was and what I saw, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. From the banyan tree’s roots, I saw small creatures climbing up; they all were wearing green hats, vests, shoes, everything in green! I couldn’t believe my eyes, so I mustered up courage and went downstairs and I opened the door and to my shock I saw……
PART 2:-
I saw a very bright green color glow….it was so bright that I was unable to open my eyes. Slowly the light started to fade away and when I managed to open my eyes I saw the glow disappearing behind the banyan tree!!! I started to walk towards the tree and what I saw made my heart skip a beat…….There was a door in that tree! I decided to go through the door and I found myself in a completely different world. There some sort of green dressed creatures with pointed ears and noses were hurrying here and there. Although their expressions were gentle all of them looked tensed…none of them were paying attention to me. I cleared my voice and said “Excuse me. Could you please tell me what this place is and what is going around here”? As soon as they heard this all of them stopped their work and started looking at me. I felt hundreds of eyes looking at me at the same time. One of them said “I think she is Harold’s daughter…maybe she can save us…let us take her to Her Highness”. I couldn’t believe what I heard those creatures knew my father, but how? Many questions started to arise in my mind. After that four of those creatures came up to me and asked me to follow them. I did…and after a couple of minutes I found myself in a magnificent castle. There on a throne sat a very gorgeous lady. I thought to myself that could somebody pinch me. OW! I cried one of those creatures had pinched me. Now I stared at it in utter belief.” You can read my mind”.”Yes,” the creature replied. Now that lady came up to me smiling she said “You are Harlod’s daughter”. I couldn’t take it anymore my brain was bursting with millions of questions as I was about to open my mouth, the lady told me “Welcome to Enchansia, I Queen Isabella and your father were good friends. He has helped our kingdom in several ways and I am pleased to meet you Katherine and I would have showed you our kingdom but….” She trailed off. “But what I asked”? Isabella told me that now their kingdom was in great danger and perhaps I was the only one who could help them. I was taken aback in surprise and before I could ask her anything more, she told me “come with me”……

Image result for singing flowers cartoonIsabella told me “come with me”…… I was still dazed, but I followed her and I couldn’t help gasping looking at all the lovely decorations with a variety of colours and when we passed the kitchen I was not able to control my growling stomach. I sniffed at ….a very tasty looking dish Isabella said “Go ahead, help yourself”. I didn’t wait even for a second...  I dashed inside and gobbled up the dish, it was yummy.  Isabella smiled for the first time I guess and at that moment she was looking gorgeous but her smile faded away. She took me to a room which was quite empty, in fact it was not only empty but also very dull, and I thought we had stepped into the wrong room. But something in the corner caught my attention, I saw a flower, it was placed on a table in the centre of the room and it did look very attractive . I came closer to it and to my surprise I heard a song “we should always be happy…la la la laaa”. I turned around to see if anyone was in the room but no one was there (except Isabella who was not singing!). I bent closer to the flower and I could not believe my ears…THE FLOWER WAS SINGING!!!
! Isabella told me that this flower was the “jewel of their land” and once this whole land was full of them, it was called “Gloria”. It was a magical flower and because of its singing, positive energy was generated in the atmosphere which was the reason to all the happiness, warmth and glory in both lands. But an evil sorceress, Cruella
Image result for evil witch art
(as the name suggests, she was a very cruel person) wanted the flowers to herself, so Isabella had to banish her but Cruella swore for revenge and she went to the “Poisonous Lagoons” to practice black magic, she created her own army of “Doomers” whom she sent yesterday to steal the flowers. I asked her “then why didn’t you banish these Doomers as you had banished Cruella and why do you need flowers to be happy can’t you be happy yourself?” She replied sadly that her powers were based on love and happiness but now the people of her kingdom were forgetting to smile and not only their world but also in the human world humans were becoming so busy in their work they were forgetting to spend time with their dear ones, (I couldn’t help but agree to this) and eventually her powers were weakening. She also told me that these flowers encouraged positive energy but they wilt and die if they cannot find that warmth in the atmosphere. I was listening to all of this holding my breath but I did not notice that somebody else was watching us. Suddenly Isabella shrieked AAH…LET GO OF ME YOU DIRTY CREATURE!!!

To be continued in the next part…..

Written by:
Isha(Reporter)  Grade 8  M.C.G.S
as a part of NARRATIVE WRITING  {Done as a club activity}

1 comment:

  1. Eagerly waiting for the next part. Story is fantastic.
