Tuesday 12 July 2016


Hi diary,
I am Shreya , today I got you as my present. I am so happy to meet you. I am so excited my friends are going to come to my house tomorrow. So I started to clean up my house . All of a sudden I saw a little  door and my grandpa which I have never seen before.  I asked him about the door, being a sailor in his time he replied that whatever things he collected around the world he stored them there. He asked me to take one from them I liked everything but the one I loved is a sea  green carpet when I asked him about it he just gave me a big huge smile. I took it to my room and put it beside my bed. My mother called me for my dinner . I switched off the room light and saw that one of the side of the carpet just glowed for a second , I did not understand so I asked my grandfather he said that I would come to know about it later.  Now it's time for me to sleep because I have to get up tomorrow early in the morning as my friends Isha , Varsha,  Akshitha ,Crystal are going to come to my home. They promised me that they would come to stay in my house this whole holidays .
Bye, see you tomorrow my dear diary.

2 /01/1850
   I have to share many things with you, today my friends are at home along with their luggage. We started to play on the carpet . By mistake Varsha poured some water on the carpet and a tiny little creature with a pretty blue frock popped out of the carpet. It was looking like a girl of Lilliput size along with two tiny wings. It also had a small stick of golden colour along with a star attached in its end. All us were amazed . Crystal broke the she asked the fairy about herself . The fairy just looked at for some time . As if she was checking us  were safe or not. She introduced herself as Tina a pet fairy of princess Ruby . As soon as she introduced herself we gave our introduction to her .  Tina asked us to  join  to her kingdom which was very different from ours  . We agreed her happily.  Tina asked us to hold our hands and  close our eyes and stood on the carpet. She chanted a mantra and when we opened our eyes we found ourselves in a truly magical place. As far as my eyes could see it was all green with fields . The air of the world was very fresh , as there were no vehicles and people in that world travelled with magical carpet. The trees were so different from that of ours , they had brown leaves and green stem. Tina led us to her home , the royal palace . She introduced us to the royal family, they were the King , the Queen and their daughter princess Ruby . Princess liked us a lot and welcome us with pleasure. She gifted us with five golden tiaras, each one topped with by a large pearl. Princess also gifted us with a larger musical instrument through which we could enter into the world of magic without anyone's help. When I looked at my watch it was 9:00pm. We decided to go back, as my parents would be worried. We spent almost 10 hours in that world. Tina asked us to hold our eyes and hold our hands , again when we opened our eye we found ourselves in my room . My sister entered my room but she did not seemed to be worried about us . She came to take her clock which she forgot in my room . Then Akshitha's eyes fell on the clock. She seemed to be amazed. The Crystal understood and explained us that the times of both the world was different .We played many games and slept together in my  room. 
So see you again tomorrow .

Today we decided to go to the magical land once again . We put on the magic tiaras and I took out the shell. Akshita blew the shell. All of our hearts became light and we entered into the magical world. We found ourselves in princess Ruby's room . She welcomed us with pleasure, she was happy to see us back. But she looked so sad. This time we could not even see the King and Queen, when we asked why Tina was about say something, Princess Ruby stopped her . We all enjoyed a lot . But it seems that we were not permitted to go out of the castle. We were fed with nice food, we came back home. Then we all decided to go to a movie. We enjoyed a lot and spent the day well.
Good bye diary that's all for today

By Shreyanjana
Grade 8


  1. Very interesting...cant wait to read more...!!!!

  2. very nice and interested keep it up ............waiting for the sunrises

  3. Interesting...
    You kept the people in suspense like Bahubali part 1.
    Looking forward to the next part..

  4. Good Story..
    Eager to know the hidden secret of green part.
    Would like to see more from your diary...

  5. The journey through the mysterious, magical story is very interesting. Looking forward to read the next part. Good imagination.

  6. Very nice story. Want to read the next part asap.

  7. Good one shreya. Eagerly waiting to read what mystery is there near the sea green carpet.

  8. good shreya whats gonna be the next

  9. good shreya whats gonna be the next

  10. waiting eagerly to know what happens next.By Varshini

  11. Intresting second part...waiting for the third

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. very intresting shreya..............

  14. very good shreya want to read the next part
    akshitha 8B
